With over 90 different Training Courses to choose from in total, covering a vast range of subject areas, from Food Hygiene and Safety, Health and Safety, HR, Business Compliance and Soft Skill - our flexible Package Builder can be used to tailor your training to your exact requirements. Mix and match any of the below courses to create the right blend of learning your users require. All of our Training Courses have been Quality Assured by UK Awarding Bodies and Certification Services to ensure they meet the necessary UK training requirements for that particular course so you can be assured that the courses your users are enrolled on are written and quality assured to the highest standards.
Courses available to select using the Package Builder are listed below. Simply decide which courses you would like in the package and checkout at the bottom of the page. Once you have checked out you will receive an email requesting the learner's full name and their course selection – once confirmed we will get them up and running on their courses.
Require multiple packages, but with different courses in each? No problem. The course selection is confirmed after the checkout process so just add the total amount of packages needed to your basket, checkout and your learners can then be setup on their tailored packages.
1 User on 5 Courses
Less than £20 per courseAccess to 5 courses from below list
1 User on 7 Courses
Less than £17.50 per courseAccess to 7 courses from below list
1 User on 10 Courses
Less than £15.00 per courseAccess to 10 courses from below list
Need something different?
Access any course from our training library
All of our packages are flexible. Whether it be tweaking one these packages or creating something completely different for your specific requirements - we can help.
Click below to get a quote and we will get back to you!
Please note:
Training Packages are setup in office hours. Training Packages purchased outside of our office hours will be setup the next working day.
Courses which are allocated to a user as part of a package must be completed by that user. Unused courses cannot be transferred to other users thereafter.
Get access to all the features with our FREE 14 Day Trial. Simply let us know if you're going to be part of our growing customer base when the trial has ended.
We want you to be able to train all of your staff and track their progress easily. That's why our Cloud Based Management Suite enables you to centralise the whole training process and manage it from any of your devices.
We appreciate users have different requirements that's why we encourage all potential customers to have a quick chat with our Account Managers.
Call us on 01482 861 040 or Email enquiries@train4academy.co.uk
See our current available course list online .