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Online Training Courses

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Our library of online training courses contains motivating and engaging learning from a variety of sectors, ranging from food hygiene, health & safety to compliance, soft skill and fire safety training. Each course has been written by a professional SME (Subject Matter Expert) and designed to be achievable for each individual, ensuring that they are able to learn at their own pace to gain the knowledge they need through captivating online e-learning content.

Unsure of what you need? Our team are more than happy to assist you in finding the perfect course or working together, provide the best suited training package for your business. Our online training courses are a great way to ensure that you or your business are compliant through selecting the correct training, some available in various levels and easily accessible via our LMS.

Aswell as providing courses for individuals our compliance training solution will aid those that are in the position of overseeing teams training, with team leaders are able to monitor their departments overall compliance process.

Abrasive Wheels Duration: 30 Minutes

Abrasive Wheels

The use of abrasive wheels is regulated by the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER) This Act states that it is a legal requirement for those using potentially dangerous equipment to be appropriately trained. This online training course is an essential requirement for all who use abrasive wheels in their workplace.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 30 Minutes

Accident Reporting Duration: 30 Minutes

Accident Reporting (RIDDOR)

The reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013, puts the responsibilities for reporting accidents in the workplace onto the “responsible person”, usually owners, managers and supervisors in the smaller companies.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 30 Minutes

Allergen Awareness Duration: 90 Minutes

Allergen Awareness

All who are involved with preparing food must understand the dangers of allergens and the importance of correct handling. They must be aware of the 14 main allergens and where they may be used in food. This online training course is most important and addresses the need for all to be trained in this important topic.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 90 Minutes

Allergen Awareness – Manufacturing Duration: 60 Minutes

Allergen Awareness – Manufacturing

There are between 20 – 30 deaths from anaphylaxis (a serious allergic reaction) in the UK each year, and 6% of children suffer with food allergies. Therefore, it is essential that anyone who works within the food manufacturing industry has a good working knowledge and understanding of these food hazards.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 60 Minutes

Anti Bribery Training Duration: 30 Minutes


Bribery is an offence, but sometimes actions taken without intending harm, could be regarded as bribery. Understanding what could be regarded as bribery may save company officers much heartache and money. This course is an excellent overview of the Act and will help companies stay away from prosecution.

CPD Certified Duration: 30 Minutes

Anti-Money Laundering

Anti-Money Laundering

Terrorists require funds, and in order to prevent them benefiting from honest sources, the Money Laundering Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds Regulations 2017 was passed. This course will help those who handle finances to understand the implications of this law & how they can play their part in preventing terrorists receiving funding illegally.

CPD Certified Duration: 40 Minutes

Asbestos Awareness Duration: 60 Minutes

Asbestos Awareness

If your business premises pre-dates 2000, asbestos could be present. If premises need refurbishment or maintenance work, asbestos particles could be disturbed, releasing dangerous particles into the air. Anyone who works in such a building, including anyone carrying out maintenance needs to be aware of how to protect themselves and others.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 60 Minutes

Banksman Training Course Online Duration: 45 Minutes

Banksman / Traffic Marshal Training

Also known as a Traffic Marshal, a banksman duty is to help maintain vehicles that are being operated around a working site, are safely doing so by signalling to their drivers, who may need further assistance when using large moving vehicles such as cranes.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 45 Minutes

Bullying & Harassment Duration: 30 Minutes

Bullying and Harassment

A definition of bullying and harassment at work is "unwanted behaviour that makes someone feel intimidated, humiliated or offended." Could this happen in your workplace? This online training course looks at all aspects of bullying and harassment at work and will help identify where your organisation is falling short or could improve.

CPD Certified Duration: 35 Minutes

CDM Regulations

The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015) are regulations which apply to all construction projects from beginning to end. This includes small projects, for example maintenance, and large building projects.

CPD Certified Duration: 30 Minutes

Change Management

Change Management

Change and survive. This is a given for most companies. If we look back 10 or 20 years, you will see how most aspects of business life have changed, and staff must change to meet the new systems, yet for some change can cause unsettlement and anxiety.

CPD Certified Duration: 40 Minutes

Cleaning in the Food Industry

Cleaning in the Food Industry

Effective cleaning is a prerequisite for any HACCP system. Housekeeping & cleaning systems shall be in place which ensure standards of hygiene are maintained at all times & that risk of contamination is minimised. This course covers cleaning systems, colour coding, disinfection & other essentials to ensure cleaning is effective.

CPD Certified Duration: 75 Minutes

CLP Regulations

CLP Regulations

From June 1st 2015 all chemicals and mixtures of chemicals on sale must be labelled in accordance with the Classification Labelling and Packaging Regulations (CLP). This has resulted in a change, principally in the use of pictograms, on common substances, such as cleaning fluids.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 15 Minutes

Communication Duration: 40 Minutes


Effective communication is essential to any business or company but achieving this is not easy. This online training course will highlight the barriers to good communication and helps all those who need to communicate with others to do so effectively, whether that be verbal or non-verbal communication.

CPD Certified Duration: 40 Minutes

 Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) Training Online Duration: 30 Minutes

Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH)

Those storing or holding dangerous hazardous substances within their establishment or organisation would need to comply with the Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) Regulations by developing an emergency plan in the event of a major accident.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 30 Minutes

Conducting Appraisals Duration: 35 Minutes

Conducting Annual Performance Reviews

The purpose of an appraisal is to increase motivation. This is a very important task, which could easily have the opposite effect if handled badly. It is extremely important that those who carry out this important task have carefully prepared and follow important rules. This course is essential for all who carry out appraisals in their workplace.

CPD Certified Duration: 40 Minutes

Conflict Management

Conflict Management

With the best will in the world, conflict can arise in any workplace. Handling conflict to achieve a happy outcome is a skill that can be learned and this course is important for all those who are tasked with this important role, using the appropriate strategies to successfully manage disagreements of this nature is also included.

CPD Certified Duration: 40 Minutes

Confined Spaces Duration: 30 Minutes

Confined Spaces

Work carried out in a confined space can be hazardous due to the reduced oxygen level, the pressure of fumes, fire, or other, usually foreseeable, risks. This course will help those who work in confined spaces to identify the precautions & emergency measures that should be taken.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 35 Minutes

Understanding COSHH

COSHH (Understanding)

COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002) requires every work place to analyse those substances used, to decide if any will cause short or long-term health issues to workers. This will form a COSHH risk assessment and this course will help the user to write that assessment.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 90 Minutes

CoSHH in the Food Industry Duration: 75 Minutes

COSHH in the Food Industry

It is not only strong chemicals that can cause health issues, in the food industry many substances can cause irritation, asthma and worse. All supervisors need an awareness of COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) issues and may be required to write a COSHH risk assessment.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 75 Minutes

Customer Service Essentials

Customer Service Training

What makes good customer service? This skill, to help customers feel helped, assisted and in all ways positive about the company can make the difference between them returning to do further business or not, ultimately impacting on profits and job security.

CPD Certified Duration: 45 Minutes

Cyber Security Awareness Training

Cyber Security Awareness Training

We are all responsible for keeping information and systems as safe as possible, as access to the internet is vital to our everyday modern life. Becoming vigilant on your computer and smartphone is a first step to preventing a possible cyber threat.

CPD Certified Duration: 45 Minutes

Dangerous substance and explosive atmospheres regulations

Dangerous Substance and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations (DSEAR 2002)

These regulations are concerned with protection against the risk of fire, explosion & other dangerous events that could result from the many hazardous substances now commonly used in the workplace. An employer has a duty to assess the possible occurrance and to either reduce or eliminate the threat to a practicl level.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 30 Minutes

Disciplinary & Grievance

Disciplinary and Grievance

In any organisation there may be occasions when a member of staff may need to be interviewed if there is perceived misconduct. The interviewer must be carefully selected and trained to ensure this interview is conducted correctly to ensure a positive outcome. This course is important for those who carry out this type of communication.

CPD Certified Duration: 30 Minutes

Display Screen Equipment (DSE)

Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Awareness

This DSE course is designed in line with the Display Screen Regulations Act (1992). The online training course helps to educate the user about DSE; tablets, touch screen devices, computers, laptops and mobile phones. DSE will inform the learner of the risks associated with use of these devices.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 30 Minutes

Dust Awareness Training Duration: 30 Minutes

Dust Awareness Training

Exposure to occupational dust can lead to health issues such as headaches, conjunctivitis, and skin conditions. Dust is a common hazard in many work environments, but its risks can be managed by assessing exposure levels and implementing effective control measures.

TBC Duration: 30 Minutes

Driving Safety

Driving Safely

Many people drive as part of their work as well as the majority who drive to work. In today’s overcrowded roads this is a stressful task, as well as the additional pressures of meeting deadlines, which can cause us to “cut corners” with regard to planning and checks.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 30 Minutes

Drug and Alcohol Awareness Training Course Duration: 30 Minutes

Drug and Alcohol Awareness

Understanding the signs of drug and alcohol misuse or abuse will contribute to better health and safety management in the workplace. Educating employees and developing policies to address these issues and provide support will help them comprehend the dangers associated with drugs and alcohol.

CPD Certified Duration: 30 Minutes

Understanding E. coli O157 Duration: 75 Minutes

E. coli O157:H7 (Understanding)

E. coli O157:H7 is an extremely toxic pathogenic bacteria found naturally in the guts of all animals. However, if it contaminates the food we eat it can cause severe illness, even acute haemorrhagic diarrhoea which may lead to death.

CPD Certified Duration: 75 Minutes

Electrical Safety Training

Electrical Safety Training

Although an everyday commodity, electricity has the potential to cause us injury or even death if used incorrectly. This course will highlight the hazards associated with the use of electricity and help to formulate controls to minimise hazards.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 30 Minutes

Energy Efficiency for Staff

Energy Efficiency Training

In our modern world we are becoming aware that our resources are finite and very valuable. In the workplace we must become more aware of waste and a large part of this is wasted energy. Simple methods will help save resources, add to profitability and ultimately save jobs.

CPD Certified Duration: 30 Minutes

Environmental Awareness Training

Environmental Awareness Training

This course is designed to educate and raise the user’s awareness of the effects we have on the environment. The training will also cover the key environmental issues found in most companies and businesses and how renewable energy has revolutionised how we can live today .

RoSPA Assured Duration: 30 Minutes

Equality & Diversity

Equality and Diversity

The Equality Act 2010 protects people from discrimination in the workplace and the wider society. It identified the nine protected categories, such as age, disability, becoming a transexual, marriage or civil partnership, race, religion, sex or sexual orientation.

CPD Certified Duration: 30 Minutes

Fire Extinguisher Training

Fire Extinguisher Training

With various fire extinguishers available, choosing the right one is necessary as fire safety regulations require all commercial properties to have fire extinguishers present, ready to use, and with a designated person appropriately trained. Understanding the class of fire will determine the correct extinguisher to use and the method required to extinguish the fire safely.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 30 Minutes

Fire Safety Awareness Training Course

Fire Safety (Awareness)

Are you able to identify potential fire hazards in a work environment and plan how to safely evacuate the building in the event of a fire? Extra care is needed to reduce the risk, and this can be as simple as knowing the basics. By doing so, you take preventive action to ensure the premises are as safe as possible.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 30 Minutes

understanding fire safety

Fire Safety (Understanding)

Fire can break out in any premises. It is unpredictable and deadly, but by understanding fire safety and taking precautions, the outcomes of fire can be minimised. This online training course is ideal for those who have the authority to control systems in buildings & those who should follow correct fire prevention systems.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 90 Minutes

Fire Wardens

Fire Wardens

Everyone in the workplace should have an understanding of the risks associated with fire, and how to minimise fire risks. However if a fire does start there may be a requirement of designated individuals, armed with greater degree of knowledge, to take control, help to organise others, preventing panic and on occasions to control evacuation.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 40 Minutes

Online First Aid at Work Training Course Duration: 40 Minutes

First Aid at The Workplace

All businesses and organisations, even a small office should have a person appointed to carry out first-aid. Workplaces that have a higher risk to their employees health and safety will need to have a person who has been appropriately trained as a first-aider.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 45 Minutes

Food Hygiene Business Startup and Induction Package

Food Hygiene Business Start-up and Induction Package

The start-up and induction package is perfect for people entering a career in food or who are starting a food business. This package consists of any Level 2 Food Hygiene Certificate in Catering, Manufacturing or Retail, Health and Safety for Food Workers and Allergen Awareness or Allergen Awareness in Manufacturing.

CPD Certified Duration: 8.5 - 10 Hours (Combined)

Food Hygiene Managers and Supervisors Package

Food Hygiene Managers and Supervisors Package

The managers & supervisors package gives you access to the courses you need to be a successful supervisor or manager. Any Level 2 food hygiene in Catering, Manufacturing or Retail, Level 3 Food Safety, Level 3 HACCP (CPD), COSHH in the Food Industry, Health & Safety for Food Workers & our Managing Disinfection & Hygiene courses.

CPD Certified Duration: 24 - 27 Hours (Combined)

Lift Truck Safety

Forklift and Lift Truck Safety

Lift trucks are dangerous. When accident statistics are examined, about ¼ of all workplace transport accidents involve lift trucks. Training on the use of lift trucks is essential, and this course will help operators become more familiar with the truck they use, understand the importance of conducting a daily truck inspection.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 45 Minutes

Food Safety Level 1 in Catering

Level 1 Food Hygiene and Safety Awareness in Catering

There are many roles in a catering or hospitality business that do not involve complex food preparation for example waiters, bar or front of house workers. These people require food safety training and this level 1 course is ideal. It can also be used as a starter course for those intending to progress to level 2 or beyond.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 90 Minutes

Level 1 Food Hygiene & Safety Awareness for Manufacturing

Level 1 Food Hygiene and Safety Awareness in Manufacturing

This course can either be used as a starter course for those intending to move on to the level 2 course, or for staff who only handle low risk or packaged goods. It is simple in delivery but covers the basic requirements of hygiene, food safety, and the importance of following procedures. (Available in English, Polish and Hungarian)

RoSPA Assured Duration: 90 Minutes

Level 1 Food Hygiene & Safety Awareness for Retail

Level 1 Food Hygiene and Safety Awareness in Retail

Not only grocery stores sell food and drink products. Many other outlets now do so, for example, garages and kiosks. These products are usually pre-packed or wrapped, but there is still the same requirement for the staff to be trained. This course is ideal for anyone handling low risk or wrapped foods.

CPD Certified Duration: 90 Minutes

Food Safety Level 2 in Catering

Level 2 Food Hygiene and Safety in Catering

Catering, arguably the most diverse form of food handing is constant in its fundamentals, that is, the use of quality ingredients, cooked thoroughly, and protected once cooked. This level 2 food hygiene course will meet all legislative and audit requirements, fulfilling your due diligence needs.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 2.5 - 3 Hours

Food Safety Level 2 in Manufacturing

Level 2 Food Hygiene and Safety in Manufacture

Staff must understand quality systems & the importance of food safety. This is the standard training requirement for all key staff, & most retailers require this training as the basic legal starting point when purchasing from a producer. Machine translated content is included for free with this popular course for 8 languages.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 2.5 - 3 Hours

Food Safety Level 2 in Retail Duration: 2.5 - 3 Hours

Level 2 Food Hygiene and Safety in Retail

Training for food retail staff is vital, both to cover mandatory obligations, but also to ensure staff follow best practice through their understanding of what is needed. The level 2 course will meet your requirements for due diligence, whilst covering all the demands of an audit.

CPD Certified Duration: 2.5 - 3 Hours

Level 3 Supervising Food Safety

Level 3 Food Hygiene and Safety in Supervising

In any food producing situation, the role of the supervisor is critical. This level 3 course, written to the highest standards, is entertaining and engaging which helps to make complex subject more accessible. This an invaluable course for all supervisors, managers and staff aspiring to these positions.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 6 Hours

HACCP Awareness

Level 1 HACCP (Awareness)

The term HACCP, familiar now to all managers and supervisors in the food industry, is not a familiar term to new starters or many workers. The correct implementation of HACCP principles is however, fundamental to the provision of safe food and to avoid loss of profit or worse.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 60 Minutes

Understanding HACCP

Level 2 HACCP (Understanding)

Although a HACCP plan, is usually developed by owners, managers and supervisors, its effectiveness is wholly dependent on the staff who operate, monitor and record the system. It is critical that all staff understand HACCP, and the importance of their roles within HACCP.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 90 Minutes

Managing HACCP in Manufacturing and Retail Level 3

Level 3 HACCP (Managing)

The creation of a HACCP plan for all businesses and companies is the responsibility of owners, managers, and supervisors. To create and keep up to date plan, the complex subject of HACCP must be understood. This level 3 course aims to enable this subject to be understood, in simple steps.

CPD Certified Duration: 4 - 6 Hours

General Data Protection Regulations 2018

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 2018

This new regulation will have massive repercussions for most businesses who deal with data, whether that be simply employees records, or information about customers. Your staff need to know how these changes will impact your business and their communications with others.

CPD Certified Duration: 30 Minutes

A great Hand Hygiene technique is ideal for those working with food

Hand Hygiene for Food Workers

Modern science accepts that hands are the most common way by which disease-causing micro-organisms are transmitted and cause infection. This course helps ensure that food workers gain a high level of knowledge relating to good hygienic practices, in particular, effective handwashing, to keep food safe for the consumer.

CPD Certified Duration: 60 Minutes

Hand-Arm Vibration Duration: 30 Minutes

Hand-Arm Vibration

If during your work, you're having to occasionally use vibrating machinery or power tools, you are at risk of developing Hand – Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS). This is a medical term which covers damage to the fingers, hands and arms and can lead to tingling, numbness which can eventually become permanent.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 30 Minutes

Health and Safety for Food Workers

Health and Safety for Food Workers

The food industry is recognised as one of the most hazardous working environments and has its own risks which cause injury. This health and safety course is written to focus on the hazards of the industry and will meet your legal requirements to train all employees in health and safety.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 90 Minutes

Health and Safety Training for Homeworkers

Health and Safety Training for Homeworkers

Working from has become a common practice for many people and with it comes benefits to the work and life balance. Though a familiar place, and easy to overlook potential hazards, working from home still has its own risks, just like working in an office.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 45 Minutes

Health and Safety Level 3 in the Workplace Duration: 8 - 9 Hours

Health and Safety Level 3 in the Workplace

Looking after the health and safety of an organisation or business, and its staff is a role often taken on by a those at a senior or managerial lover. A thorough understanding of the health and safety is required from legislation to safety organisation and management.

CIEH Assured Duration: 8 - 9 Hours

Hot Weather Conditions

Hot Weather Conditions

Working outside in hot weather can often lead to heat stress. This can also occur in indoor conditions such as bakeries and kitchens or forges. Water, or salt depletion can lead to weakness, headache, nausea, vomiting, cramps and dizziness.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 25 Minutes

Duration: 30 Minutes

Hot Work

Any activity that involves the use of open flames, sparks or flame/heat producing equipment is regarded as Hot Work. Welding, cutting, soldering commonly performed just some of the operations that generate heat, if proper precautions are not taken seriously there is a significant risk of fire and even explosions.

CPD Certified Duration: 30 Minutes

Internal Auditing and Root Cause Analysis Training Duration: 3 Hours

Internal Auditing and Root Cause Analysis

Internal auditing is a fundamental process to maintain a company's high standard. Closing off non-conformances is carried out by a competent team that understands the roles and responsibilities from identifying approved suppliers and being familiar with its food premises to staff training.

CPD Certified Duration: 3 Hours

Introduction to Health & Safety Audits

Introduction to Health and Safety Audits

Good health and safety in the workplace is a legal necessity, but how would we really know how effective our systems were without a health and safety audit? This course is intended for those who have the responsibility for carrying our internal health and safety audits, to enable the audit to be comprehensive, fair and effective.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 40 Minutes

Introduction to Health and Safety

Introduction to Health and Safety (Awareness)

This course has been designed to raise awareness on a variety of health and safety matters. Having a good understanding of health and safety is essential for everyone in the workplace, whether you are an employee, self-employed, a supervisor or a manager.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 60 Minutes

IOSH Managing Safely Duration: 20 - 24 Hours

IOSH Managing Safely

If you are in a position of management or if you are a 'Duty Holder' then The IOSH Managing Safely Training course is for you. The course aims to provide a broad knowledge base of health and safety subjects alongside safe working systems.

IOSH Approved Duration: 20 - 24 Hours

IOSH Working Safely

IOSH Working Safely

The IOSH Working Safely Training course is designed for all who need an initial understanding and working knowledge of health and safety as a subject. It is also a first requirement for individuals who wish to undertake IOSH Managing Safely Training.

IOSH Approved Duration: 6 - 8 Hours

Ladder and Stepladder Safety

Ladder and Step Ladder Safety Training

Ladders can be extremely dangerous unless simple precautions and checks are carried out. We all use ladders at home and at work, but this course will help everyone keep safe and avoid unnecessary accidents that could be life changing.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 30 Minutes



A leader is one that stands out from the crowd to set a direction, build a vision and encourage others to follow. Leadership can be learned, and this course is intended to help those aspire to be good leaders to achieve their goals and shine in their various workplace.

CPD Certified Duration: 45 Minutes

Understanding Legionella

Legionnaires Disease (Understanding)

Legionellosis is a collective name for many bacteria, the most serious form of which causes legionnaires disease, a potentially fatal form of pneumonia. It is now a legal requirement that all landlords understand the dangers of legionella, making this training essential.

CPD Certified Duration: 75 Minutes

loler-training-course.jpg Duration: 30 Minutes

Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER)

If your company uses lifting equipment, whether owned by them or not, you are subjected to the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER). LOLER also requires that all equipment is fit for purpose, appropriate, and regularly examined.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 30 Minutes

Listeria Monocytognes Awareness

Listeria Monocytognes Awareness

An awareness of this deadly bacteria, its origins and how it infects humans through food, is essential knowledge for all who work in the food industry, or for all those working with pregnancy and early childhood.

CPD Certified Duration: 60 Minutes



In today’s industry, very dangerous machines are frequently used. If these are shut down for repair or maintenance, lockout or tagout is frequently imposed. This is a safety procedure to ensure that these machines are unable to be accidently or otherwise started, causing a threat to safety.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 30 Minutes

Lone Working (employees)

Lone Working

Many individuals work alone, from night cleaners to care workers, but lone working can present hazards that may involve risk to the individuals. There are also legal aspects to lone working, which are covered by the Health and Safety Act 1974, and The Management of Health and Safety at work Regulations 1999.

CPD Certified Duration: 30 Minutes

Managing Disinfection and Hygiene

Managing Disinfection and Hygiene

It is impossible to produce food safely unless the premises, equipment and utensils are clean and possibly disinfected. Owners, managers and supervisors are responsible for ensuring the cleanliness of food production areas. This course covers the science of cleaning and assessing cleanliness.

CPD Certified Duration: 75 Minutes

Manual Handling RoSPA Approved

Manual Handling (Understanding)

Manual handling is the moving of loads by pushing, pulling, or lifting when machinery is not involved. Many injuries have been caused by these activities and many can be avoided by using correct techniques. This course has been developed for staff where handling bulky or heavy items manually is involved in their jobs.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 90 Minutes

Health & Wellbeing

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Staying Healthy whilst at work is a key element in maintaining a happy workforce. This course will help all managers and supervisors recognise the importance of health in the workplace, and understand the hazards of stress and musculoskeletal disorders, as well as other health triggers. A course for all in charge of the wellbeing of others.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 30 Minutes

Modern Slavery Duration: 45 Minutes

Modern Slavery

In today's society, slavery is a hidden cancer, relying on society and oppression. It nevertheless exists and in 2015, The Modern Slavery Act was passed to send the message to anyone involved in this disgusting trade that, if caught, they will be prosecuted and locked up.

CPD Certified Duration: 45 Minutes


Neurodiversity Awareness

This Neurodiversity Training Course will help you to learn about what neurodiversity is and how to create inclusive environments for neurodivergent individuals. You will understand the basics of neurodiversity, be able to identify common neurodivergent conditions, and learn how to recognise and use the strengths of neurodivergent people.

CPD Certified Duration: 30 Minutes

New and Expectant Mothers at Work

New and Expectant Mothers at Work

Pregnancy is not an illness but it does raise issues of welfare in the workplace. This course aims to help managers understand their legal & ethical responsibilities towards pregnant staff. The employer has a legal duty to carry out risk assessments to address potential issues that may become a risk to the employee's health, safety & well being.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 30 Minutes

Noise Awareness

Noise Awareness

The HSE has estimated that approximately 17,000 people suffer hearing loss because of noise at work, and unfortunately once lost, hearing will never recover. This course describes simply and clearly the problems and possible solutions to noisy workplaces.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 30 Minutes

Office Safety

Office Safety Training is designed to provide office employees with key information on the various potential hazards present in the office environment. It also covers the measures an office worker can take to reduce health and safety risks.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 30 Minutes

PPE - Personal Protective Equipment

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE ) Awareness

When looking at preventing or controlling hazards in a work environment the use of PPE is always a last option, but it does have its place. If PPE is worn, it must be worn correctly, be in good condition and be comfortable. If your work systems involve the use of PPE this is an essential course to understand the key issues.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 30 Minutes

Pest Awareness

Pest Awareness

Many pests, such as mice, flies, cockroaches etc. pose a health risk by spreading diseases like Salmonella. This course has been designed to give a basic level of understanding about how insects and some animals can become food safety hazards, especially important in food premises.

CPD Certified Duration: 45 Minutes

Preventing Radicalisation and Extremism in Education

Preventing Radicalisation and Extremism in Education

Terrorist incidents has highlighted UK concerns about radicalisation and extremism in education and other areas of life in the UK. This problem has been addressed by the government’s CONTEST strategy, Prevent and Channel Process.

CPD Certified Duration: 30 Minutes

Provision & Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER)

Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER)

The PUWER Regulations pace duties and responsibilities on those who use work equipment whether they own that equipment or not, and on the employees who use the equipment. These tools, often powered by electricity or hydraulics, are often extremely dangerous and must be handled by trained employees.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 30 Minutes

Resilience Training Online Duration: 45 Minutes


Achieving a healthy work-life balance, practicing self-care, and seeking help when necessary are crucial components of resilience. By developing these skills, you will be better equipped to manage life's difficulties, maintain mental and emotional balance, and support your personal and professional growth.

CPD Certified Duration: 45 Minutes

Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) Training Duration: 45 Minutes

Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) Training

Respiratory protective equipment (RPE) can be used as an effective control measure to protect users from airborne contaminants that are present in the workplace. Frequent exposure to hazardous substances in the atmosphere can be fatal.

TBC Duration: 45 Minutes

Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment (Understanding)

For every task that must be undertaken in the workplace it is a legal requirement that a risk assessment must be completed to highlight any hazards that may be encountered. This course will help those responsible for completing risk assessments to do the task successfully.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 90 Minutes

 Root Cause Analysis Training Online Duration: 60 Minutes

Root Cause Analysis

Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is a common technique often used to answer the question: How did the problem occur in the first place? An RCA course designed specifically for food professionals helps equip businesses to meet necessary requirements and prevent the recurrence of non-conformances.

CPD Certified Duration: 60 Minutes

Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Training Duration: 30 Minutes

Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Training

Help promote the welfare of all children and vulnerable adults at your workplace. Understand why safeguarding is the responsibility of every adult and the role you will play in identifying those at risk. Organisations should have policies that enable their staff to confidently and without fear raise their concern.

CPD Certified Duration: 30 Minutes

Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment

Behaviour towards a co-worker in a sexual manner which for many years went unreported or swept under the carpet is now at the forefront of a business’s policies. Having a clear understanding of what is classed as unacceptable behaviour is vital for all staff in modern workplaces.

CPD Certified Duration: 30 Minutes

Slip, Trips and Falls Duration: 90 Minutes

Slips, Trips and Falls (Understanding)

HSE Slips and falls are, according to HSE statistics, responsible for 40% of all accidents reported under RIDDOR. Simple falls can cause serious injuries. This course will highlight the causes of these accidents, which, can usually be preventable. An important course for all in any workplace.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 90 Minutes

Spill prevention & control

Spill Prevention and Control

There are many types of liquids that could spill. Some of these are simple such as water. Others are very hazardous, for example blood and body fluids or chemicals; each has its own dangers. Even water on smooth surfaces can cause slip hazards, but in the case of chemicals, fire or even explosion are possible.

CPD Certified Duration: 30 Minutes

Stress Awareness in the Workplace

Stress Awareness in the Workplace

Stress can affect anyone in the workplace. It can have a detrimental effect on employees and employers alike and is a major cause of sickness absence in the UK. All employers must ensure the health and safety of their employees outlined in the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 30 Minutes

TACCP & VACCP Training in Understanding

TACCP and VACCP Training

This Level 2 Understanding TACCP & VACCP training course will give food workers in a manufacturing, retail or catering environment a good level of knowledge on how to implement a successful TACCP & VACCP risk management system into their food establishments.

CPD Certified Duration: 1.5 Hours

Talent Managment

Talent Management

The life blood of any successful company is its staff, and looking to the future, the company needs a supply of talented employees who will take the company forward and reach a new level. Retaining those talented individuals once in the company will be key to success and this course will help managers understand the most important facts.

CPD Certified Duration: 40 Minutes



When recruiting for companies, most managers would look for specialists who could develop certain aspects of their role for the greater good of the company. However, the ability to work with others who have different specialised functions is required for every industry and business.

CPD Certified Duration: 30 Minutes

Time Management Duration: 30 Minutes

Time Management

How is that some managers seem to fit far more productive work into their days than others? The answer is the clever use of their time through time management. This is almost wholly due to their organisational skills, but these skills can be learnt. An important course for supervisors, managers and those wishing to move into these positions.

CPD Certified Duration: 30 Minutes

Unconscious Bias Training Course Online Duration: 45 Minutes

Unconscious Bias Training

Raise awareness of unconscious biased thinking at the workplace to understand decision-making is not what we think. A diverse workplace needs to understand the root causes of bad decision-making could be down to opinions formed by several different biases.

CPD Certified Duration: 45 Minutes

Vehicle Safety in the Workplace

Vehicle Safety in the Workplace

Few modern businesses can operate without the use of vehicles, whether that be cars, vans or fork lift trucks and lorries. Managing those vehicles in what can be restricted spaces is difficult and must start with a risk assessment of the situation.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 45 Minutes

Whistleblowing Duration: 30 Minutes


If, as an employee, you detect any information or practice that is illegal or unethical, the exposure of the information is termed “whistleblowing”. In the US, the protection of the whistleblower is part of the Federal Law. This course is intended to explain the legal status of a whistleblower in the UK and where this differs from making a complaint.

CPD Certified Duration: 30 Minutes

Winter Weather Awareness

Winter Weather Awareness

In the UK, our weather is varied, in all seasons, and seems to take us unaware causing closures of systems and accidents. We can however, plan and this course will help those responsible for organizing their work, or even planning for a company, to maximise their resources to deal with adverse conditions.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 40 Minutes

Working at Height

Working at Height (Understanding)

Not only window cleaners and painters work at heights. All industries often require simple maintenance work to be completed at height for example something as simple as changing light bulbs. This course will enable those who have occasion to use ladders or other equipment to do so safely and follow current legislation.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 90 Minutes

workstation setup

Workstation Setup Training

Working on computers or other devices for long periods of time can lead to back, arm and shoulder problems. Setting up this equipment correctly can minimise these problems. This course will explain the practical actions which can be taken to minimise hazards.

RoSPA Assured Duration: 30 Minutes

Understanding 5s

5s Quality Systems

5s is a Japanese term, which forms part of lean management techniques. Although a simple system, introducing 5s systems can be complex and it is recommended that any company who aim to introduce those systems should use this course to introduce the subject to its staff.

CPD Certified Duration: 60 Minutes